Razz: 2x Museum Collection Spots & 2x Leather & Lumber baseball spots – HELP FILL ‘EM UP! #5
********PLEASE DO NOT PAY WITH PAYPAL FOR ANY RAZZ!!!*********** MUST BE PAID WITH CREDIT/CARD THROUGH THE SITE. THIS IS RAZZ ONLY BREAKS YOU CAN STILL USE PAYPAL. If you need to use Paypal, you can still use it to purchase break bucks and let me know it’s for the razz 🙂
**NO DISCOUNT CODES PLEASE** Help fill up Museum Collection – it is on the high-end side and with that comes a higher price… here’s a chance to get in cheaper! This will be a random (7 times as per usual) done live on our feed once this fills The first 2 people on the random will get spots in Museum Collection half case ($46 spot) and the bottom 2 people get spots in Leather & Lumber.Â