Measurement: S-4 25MG – 60 Capsules
Andarine (otherwise known as SARM s4 or Andarine S4) is a selective androgen receptor modulator that can help to prevent muscle wastage and support muscle mass development, so you look chiselled, hard and lean.
In many ways it works and operates like anabolic steroids, but with less of the negative side effects. Not only is it fast-acting – producing muscle gains within a smaller time frame – it is also an incredibly strong compound.
By binding to the receptors in your muscle and bone tissues, this encourages growth in lean muscle mass and in turn increased strength (think about it – the more muscle you have, the stronger you’ll become whilst training).
Now S4 SARM is not like your average SARM, as it is stronger and more powerful. Add into the equation the fact that it causes fewer side effects (because it binds selectively and not with every androgen receptor it encounters) and is anabolic, and what you have got is an easy way to build up muscle fast.
Molar Mass:441.4
Chemical Formula:C19H18F3N3O6
Disclaimer – The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns about a medical condition, please consult your physician or a qualified healthcare provider. Do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice based on the information provided. We are not responsible or liable for the use of any of our research compounds or products. These products are intended for research purposes only and should not be used for personal consumption.
Warning: Not for human consumption. For research purposes only. Recommended for individuals 18 years old and older. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and should not be misbranded, misused or mislabeled as a drug, food or cosmetic.